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Male, 34 years, born on 7 September 1990

Not looking for a job

Podolsk, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

Quality Assurance Director, Head of Quality Management Division

270 000  in hand

  • Quality engineer

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 13 years 6 months

August 2021currently
3 years 8 months
OKB Gidropress JSC

Podolsk, www.gidropress.podolsk.ru/en/

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Head of Quality Management System Group
Duties and responsibilities: Planning, organization, and control of work performance of the quality management system group, training, motivation and qualification enhancement of subordinate employees. Development, implementation and improvement of QMS according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 19443:2018, GSR Part 2, GOST RV 0015-002-2020 and foreign customers, elaboration and fulfillment of the QMS audit Program. Participation in contracts conclusion process regarding the quality and safety culture requirements. Elaboration and control of performance of quality assurance programs, procedures and other documents of QMS and project management system. Licensing of activities in the field of atomic energy use. Fostering and development of safety culture. Achievements: • Certification of QMS according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard and implementation of ISO 19443:2018 and GOST RV 0015-002-2020 in the organization with 1600 employees. • Obtained Rostekhnadzor licenses that give a right for nuclear facility designing and development and a right for decommissioning of sub-critical high-pressure seven-assembly bench (nuclear facility). • Organized and successfully passed through 30 external QMS audits from the side of Customers and 5 inspections from the side of Russian, Finnish and Turkish nuclear and radiation safety authorities (Rostekhnadzor, STUK, NDK). • Successfully passed through the procedure of nuclear qualification regarding Hungarian Paks 2 NPP project. • Elaborated from scratch the Risk management methodology and Standard (Procedure). • Elaborated a new Quality Manual and a Standard (Procedure) for QMS review process. •Organized and performed 5 external audits of sub-suppliers.
November 2017August 2021
3 years 10 months
OKB Gidropress JSC

Podolsk, www.gidropress.podolsk.ru/en/

Chief Specialist on Quality and Safety Culture
Duties and responsibilities: Assurance of QMS compliance with the requirements of legislation of Russian Federation and foreign customers, elaboration of project management system documents. Organization and performance of internal and external QMS audits, non-conformity management by the results of the audits. Fostering, promotion and improvement of safety culture. Review and agreement of contracts regarding the quality and safety culture requirements. Review and approval of the documents of sub-suppliers. Obtaining of permissive documents of foreign regulatory authorities in the field of atomic energy use. Achievements: • 3 times organized and performed safety culture assessment in the organization with 1600 employees, including questionnaire survey (594 people), interview (25 managers and specialists) and documentation review (135 requirements of external regulatory documents on safety culture). • Reviewed, commented and approved on 48 documents of sub-suppliers on management systems and safety culture. • Organized an independent safety culture assessment of OKB Gidropress JSC by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. • Organized, performed and participated in 7 sub-suppliers management system audits (4 audits were conducted jointly with the Finnish customer), including development of the audit Program, selection of audit team members, preparing audit reports, agreement of corrective actions and control of elimination of non-conformities. • Participated with presentations and reports in 30 international working group meetings on quality management and safety culture issues organized by foreign customer (Fennovoima Oy) in the course of Hanhikivi-1 NPP project. • Elaborated from scratch the Safety Culture Program, including the safety culture concept, principles, assessment and improvement methods, training and informational materials. • Elaborated the Procedure for calculation of the costs of non-conformances of products and purchased goods with established requirements.
November 2016November 2017
1 year 1 month
OKB Gidropress JSC

Podolsk, www.gidropress.podolsk.ru/en/

Head of Quality Management System Group
See job description for present position
January 2016November 2016
11 months
OKB Gidropress JSC

Podolsk, www.gidropress.podolsk.ru/en/

Chief Specialist on Quality and Safety Culture
See job description for November of 2017 – August 2021
October 2011January 2016
4 years 4 months
OKB Gidropress JSC

Podolsk, www.gidropress.podolsk.ru/en/

Quality engineer, Quality Engineer of second category
Duties and responsibilities: Elaboration, review and correction of QMS documents. Conducting of internal and external QMS audits. Elaboration and control of performance of corrective and preventive actions plans. Gathering of data for QMS effectiveness review. Elaboration of informational materials for the employees. Achievements: • Implemented in the enterprise QMS the requirements of Finnish nuclear and radiation safety authority STUK and Finnish customer that contributed to the obtaining of the approval of my company as a major sub-supplier for "Hanhikivi-1" NPP construction project and to the conclusion of a contract worth more than 1 billion rubles. • Elaborated and implemented the customers' satisfaction assessment methodology, quantitative indicators for product's quality assessment and for process effectiveness assessment in the field of defense activities.


Skill proficiency levels
Quality management systems (QMS)
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 19443:2018
ISO 19001:2018
Documents of Finnish nuclear and radiation safety authority STUK (YVL-guides) and Nuclear Safety C
Non-conformities management in EOS-quality (unified branch informational system)
Safety Culture
Federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use
MS Office
Siemens PLM Teamcenter
GOST RV 0015-002-2020
Production System of "Rosatom", Toyota production system, Lean management

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

• More than 10 years of work experience in atomic industry in quality management systems (QMS), licensing of activities in the field of atomic energy use, fostering and development of safety culture. • Experience in implementation of requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 19443, GOST RV 0015-002-2020, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) GSR Part 2 and foreign customers in an organization with 1600 employees. • Skills of solving new tasks from scratch and significant experience of interaction with foreign customers at the international level and supply chain management regarding QMS and safety culture issues. • Management experience of team of 6 people and temporary duties of the head of the department (20 people). • Was hired as IAEA expert for providing a quality management training of foreign specialists. • Experience in appearance with English presentations and reports at the international level (6 times at IAEA on the topic of quality management and safety culture in the atomic branch, including once at the expenses of IAEA grant). • Twice nominated in the "Rosatom's employee of the year " contest from the machine-building division of State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (JSC "Atomenergomash") in the category "Rising star". • Rosatom Branch expert on assessment and development of nuclear infrastructure. • Experience in mentoring of young specialists. • Member of OKB Gidropress JSC ethics council. • Recommendations can be provided on demand.

Higher education

Management and Economics of High Technology Field, Economics and management of the enterprise (power engineering)



EnglishC1 — Advanced

JapaneseA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

Requirements of the internatonal standard ISO 19443:2018
Rosatom Academy, Requirements of the internatonal standard ISO 19443:2018
French regulatory base for ESPN equipment
Rosatom Technical Academy, French regulatory base for ESPN equipment
Risk management
Rosatom Technical Academy, Risk management
Data verification audit
Rosatom Academy, Data verification audit
Internal auduts of quality management systems (ISO 9001:2015, ISO 19011:2011)
Rosatom Technical Academy, Internal auduts of quality management systems (ISO 9001:2015, ISO 19011:2011)
Workng in a cross-culture community and cross-culture communication
Rosatom Academy, Workng in a cross-culture community and cross-culture communication
Safety culture concept at the hazardous enterprise
Rosatom Technical Academy, Safety culture concept at the hazardous enterprise
Application of the regulatory documents for the production of the equipment for the foreign customers
Rosatom Academy, Application of the regulatory documents for the production of the equipment for the foreign customers
Technology of elaboration of the effective pesentation
Rosatom Technical Academy, Technology of elaboration of the effective pesentation
Safety culture: practical methods of management
Rosatom Technical Academy, Safety culture: practical methods of management
Internal audit and certification of the quality management system
Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification, Internal audit and certification of the quality management system
Management system of modern laboratory
Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, Management system of modern laboratory
Quality management in the nuclear energy field
Rosatom Technical Academy, Quality management in the nuclear energy field

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour