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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 56 years, born on 13 August 1968

Not looking for a job

Podolsk, not willing to relocate, prepared for occasional business trips

Operating Officer

4 000 $ in hand

  • Chief operating officer (COO)
  • Project manager

Employment: project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 19 years

May 2010currently
14 years 11 months
Individual entrepreneur Voronin B. V.


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Director & owner
Advising on and implementation support for and maintenance of: a) reinsurance financial analysis (Financial Statement, P&L, Cash Flow, Reserving), business planning, preparing cat modelling data, preparing data for getting rated with A.M. Best (non US) including all the business-policies and guidelines; b) operational business processes engineering and control: risk managing including UW operations algorithms, KYC operations, IT structuring and data security and least but not last - accounting and finacial planning; c) implementation and improvement of corporate information systems (Front & Back office, CRM, ERM), reengineering and automation of operational business processes, outsourcing IT management and maintenance; The organization of workflow and provision of the agreed results. Personal contacts to high professional reinsurance / audit / consulting business environment (UK, Singapore, Malaysia).
April 2006March 2017
11 years
"Insurance company "Podmoskovie"

Moscow Oblast, skpodmoskovie.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Deputy Director
Business processes and planning: - Systematization of organizational and functional structures, reallocation of areas of responsibility, restructuring of business processes, reorganization of interaction between internal and external (additional offices and branches) divisions: organization and implementation of an information exchange system; organization of development and implementation of regulations and job descriptions, motivation systems for selling units, loss settlement units, and units for controlling the turnover of strict reporting forms and quality of information in the corporate information system; - Project management for implementing and maintaining an Enterprise Information System: planning stages and delineating areas of responsibility, coordinating work; monitoring the timing and task quality; motivation of the perpetrators; project documentation management organization and control; project budgeting. - Setting tasks, coordinating and controlling IT infrastructure management: ensuring functioning, planning development and ensuring implementation of changes; risk identification and minimization; implementation of SLA principles. Development: - Development and implementation of insurance products: methodological, legal, information and technological support; - Work with key corporate partners. Legal, administrative and informational support: - Representation of the Company's interests in relations with supervisory and controlling bodies: the Bank of Russia, the Russian Union of motor Insurers, tax authorities; - Information support in the media: press releases; - Organization of development, implementation and maintenance of a corporate website. Effectiveness: - Implementation of a unified Enterprise Information System that replaced 3 parallel unrelated systems; - Ensuring the smooth functioning of the corporate IT infrastructure; - Stopping the growth of non-production costs due to the reduction of necessary human and time resources; - Organization of providing users with the necessary reliable and timely information; - Implementation of front-office systems for sales of insurance products.


Skill proficiency levels
Project management
Risk management
Administration Management
Business Process Reengineering
Negotiation skills

About me

Skills: Analytical, organizational, managerial. Ability to coordinate the actions of team members / project participants, allocate resources. Ability to get the necessary information, establish and maintain trusting relationships. Competent intonated speech, the ability to speak in public, to argue, to convince. Ability to find non-standard effective solutions.


Higher education

MSTU – Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Radio electronics and laser technology (RL), Electronic engineering



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

MSTU – Bauman Moscow State Technical University
“Specialist” Center, Accounting
MGIMO University
Insurance Business School, Insurance finance & marketing

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter