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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 37 years, born on 8 March 1988

Not looking for a job

Podolsk, willing to relocate (Malaysia, Moscow), prepared for business trips

Data scientist / ML Engineer / Data Analist

  • Analyst
  • Data scientist

Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering, work placement

Work schedule: remote working

Work experience 17 years 3 months

January 2019currently
6 years 3 months
Индивидуальное предпринимательство / частная практика / фриланс
Data Scientist
• Sentimental Analysis (Twitter), • Customers purchase patterns & customer behavior prediction, • Diabetic retinopathy classification, • Movie recommendation system, • Bitcoin Price prediction
December 2017currently
7 years 4 months

Cyprus, www.litefinance.com

Financial Sector... Show more

Online content creator (education and analytical content)
Content writer educational and analytical articles related with trading and predictions. My content is translating on 11 languages. The most popular article reach more than 600 000 impressions.
January 2008currently
17 years 3 months
Индивидуальное предпринимательство / частная практика / фриланс
Trader / Investor / Asset manager
• Trading deals in the Forex, Stock Market, Cryptocurrency, Derivatives markets • Study of existing trading strategies and tools of technical and fundamental analysis • Development of own trading strategies • Development of own indicators • Development and implementation of trading automation • Development of automatic predictive models and systems (including using ML) • Mentoring • Fund management • Due diligence of projects and early-stage investment
October 2020July 2021
10 months
PIK Group of Companies

Moscow, pik-group.com/

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Business analyst
Maintenance and service of the PIK HR SSC project: • analysis of existing business processes, their modernization and description of new ones; • highlighting existing problems and finding an optimal solution; • formulation of business problems and selection of an appropriate solution method; • writing instructions and communications; • mass newsletter; • interaction with the IT team, formalization and prioritization of IT tasks; • creation and approval of contracts: for the service of a SSC, an employment contract, an agreement for the maintenance of a mass recruitment center; • analysis of staff workload, transactional analysis; • creation of dashboards, visualization of reporting and creation of presentations for senior management and for mass communications to company employees; • creation / modernization of a model for planning and forecasting, conducting a plan-fact analysis for the selection of personnel for a mass position; • development of a KPI system and dashboard for the functional areas of the HR service • support of the projects "HR EDM", "Single contact center of the HR System", "transition to ETC", "release of NEP", "artificial intelligence in HR", "orchestrator of business processes"; • ASAP reporting and ad hoc analysis A personal achievement is the successful piloting of the HR EDM project and the replication of the project in the Group. Creation of MVP for the HR System Single Contact Center project in 1 working day.
November 2018October 2019
1 year
chelpipe group

Moscow, chelpipegroup.com/

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Senior manager of compensation and benefits
• Participation in PWC salary surveys; • Evaluation of posts using the PWC methodology; • Analysis of the methodology of motivation and remuneration in the companies of the group, bringing the motivation system to a single standard; • Administration and full support of the goal setting process; • Consultation and methodological support for staff; • Development and implementation of a project motivation system; • Development of a calculator and matrix for calculating the project’s fund; • Administration of SAP SuccessFactors • Ad-hoc analytics and reporting Personal achievement: • Accompanying and supervising the SAP SuccessFactors implementation project
August 2015April 2018
2 years 9 months

Moscow, www.vtbcareer.com

Financial Sector... Show more

Chief specialist of HR department (C&B group)
• Implementation of the process of planning staff costs; • Monitoring compliance with the budget; • Calculation of annual bonuses; • Formation and analysis of corporate reporting on personnel management in the area of responsibility: staffing, number, staff, cost forecast; • Evaluation of posts according to the methodology of Hay Group, AMT, PWC; • Participation in salary surveys Hay Group, AMT, PWC; • Interaction with business units on the draft revision of labor motivation systems; • Providing methodological and expert assistance to the structural divisions of the Bank and its branch network; • Analysis of the company's internal practice in the field of compensation and benefits with the situation on the labor market; • Formation of other analytical reports and information reports from the data array in different sections and in accordance with the requests of senior management and the Central Bank. • Preparation of presentations for the budgetary and personnel committees and the Supervisory Board of the Bank. Personal achievement: • Successful participation in the merger of VTB Bank (PAO) with OAO Bank of Moscow; • Successful participation in the project on the merger of VTB Bank (PAO) and VTB24 Bank by an expert in the field of compensation and benefits; • Formation and protection of the budget of the payroll fund in record time. • Formation and protection of the budget of the Human Resources Department in record time.
November 2014August 2015
10 months
PepsiCo Holdings LLC

Moscow, www.pepsico.ru

Food Products... Show more

Cost Planning Specialist
• Effective participation in AOP C & B / HR OpEx processes and HR budget calculations for OpEx; • Support for OpEx processes for coordination and consolidation of reporting; • Update on a regular basis the organizational structure in PowerPoint; • Participation in the monthly analysis of personnel costs (plan-fact analysis); • Participation in budget calculations in terms of staff costs for the entire PepsiCo Holdings group of companies and the operating expenses of the HR department; • Providing accurate calculations for an accrual for annual / premium / quarterly bonuses; • Cross-charge - control the attribution of staff costs to the required P & L; • Reporting on top managers - deciphering their expenses, transparent reporting; • Participation in C & B budgeting tools for automation projects; • Timely preparation of the necessary data for HR Dashboard KPIs: T & E cost, C & B cost vs NSR & NOPBT
September 2013November 2014
1 year 3 months
PepsiCo Holdings LLC

Domodedovo (Moscow region), www.pepsico.ru

Food Products... Show more

Expert of the ECC Performance Management Group
• Conducting controls on the financial report; • Collection and analysis of financial reporting data and timing; • Analytics on the work of the financial department; • Creation of presentations for the management of the financial department; • Update of information on the state of accounts in the System of accounts payable in SAP; • Ensuring timely, efficient and efficient service of structural units, customers, and external customers; • Calculation and analysis of KPI for the groups included in the financial department; • Daily monitoring of the overall situation within the department, monitoring the quality of the work of the group and compliance with the standards for processing documents; • Regular updating and publication of financial statements and KPIs; • Development and implementation of reports for business; • Automation using VBA and Access; • Working with reporting in SAP A personal achievement is: participation in the automation of reporting on blocked and deferred documents, developed and implemented financial statements for the Ariba project
August 2012September 2013
1 year 2 months
PepsiCo Holdings LLC

Domodedovo (Moscow region), www.pepsico.ru

Food Products... Show more

Accounts Receivable Accountant
• Manually entering approved requests for advance payments into the system for accounting of accounts payable SAP; • Ensure that advance payments are properly recorded (in accordance with RAS, tax accounting rules, US GAAP); • Providing only one-time payment of requests for advance payments; • Work with system errors detected; • Update of information on the state of accounts in the System of accounts payable in SAP; • Manually enter invoices from suppliers into the GAAP Accounts Payable System; • Perform a 3-way or 2-way match check in SAP and identify any discrepancies; • Checking the input VAT; • Posting accounts for other calculations with staff and providing information to the Accountant for keeping the general ledger and reporting on the need to transfer excess expenses to account 73; • Ensure proper accounting of accounts payable and payments (in accordance with RAS, tax accounting rules, US GAAP); • Ensuring the distribution of costs in the accounts of the general ledger and other subsystems; • Providing only a one-time payment of invoices; • Ensure timely payment of all accounts; • Creation and management of information about the supplier and the standard terms of payment; • Ensuring timely, efficient and efficient service of structural units, customers, and external customers; • Carrying out tax liabilities and payments; • Knowledge and compliance with company policies and procedures. A personal achievement is the daily processing of documents above the norm with a marginal efficiency index, no errors and a minimum number of pending documents.
May 2011August 2012
1 year 4 months
PepsiCo Holdings LLC

Domodedovo (Moscow region), www.pepsico.ru

Food Products... Show more

Junior accountant
• Work with primary documentation; • Printing checks, working with fiscal vehicles; • Verification of documentation; • Carrying out mutual settlements with drivers, dealing with debts and shortages; • Reconciliation of documents with an electronic database; • The closing of accounts; • Conducting reports in electronic form on the accepted documents; • Translation of documentation into an aileron view; • Archiving; • Executing requests for the lifting of documentation. Personal achievement is a responsible and scrupulous study of all aspects of the accounting department, achievement of critical experience in the position of "Junior Accountant".
August 2010May 2011
10 months

Moscow, www.pepsico.ru

Retail... Show more

Financial Manager
• Collection of documents of the day (statements on cash, a statement on mutual settlements with counterparties, universal report on courier services); • Creating payment orders; • Interaction with banks; • Accounting for settlements with debtors: • Accounting for cash transactions; • Organization of effective work of the personnel of the operational and cash department and the customer service group, maintaining a high quality of service; • Ensuring the safety of inventory items, minimizing losses; • Ensuring the proper implementation of technological schemes, optimization of business processes; • Setting up cash register equipment; • Withdraw/register KKM in the tax inspection; • KKM maintenance in proper condition in accordance with the requirements of the tax inspection; • Advising the company's employees on all issues of settlements with counterparties; • Training new employees in the rules of working with CCP, the procedure for conducting cash transactions. The personal achievement is the active participation in the development of Russia's largest Internet trading project, namely, the minimization of losses and ensuring the preservation of inventory at all stages of the sale of the goods, from delivery and shipment to the warehouse, to delivery to the client. Optimization of the cash-settlement group. The maintenance in an appropriate manner of operational and cash discipline.
July 2008July 2010
2 years 1 month
LLC IC "Kremlin" (insurance company)

Moscow, www.pepsico.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Insurance agent
• Customer search: - Negotiation - consultation with clients • The conclusion of insurance contracts: - collection of documents - registration of insurance poles - registration of accompanying documentation • Preparation of the report for the period: - calculation of insurance premiums - commission calculation - preparation of the report - submission of reports with attached documents and funds to the main office of the company. A personal achievement is the development of our own effective methodology for forming a client base with an individual approach to each client.
July 2009August 2009
2 months
LLC "ISS Retail"

Moscow, www.pepsico.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

• Questioning; • Interviewing shop staff; • Analysis of operations performed by store employees; • Preparation and sending of reports • Drawing up a photo of the day. A personal achievement is a participation in the work of the largest retail food network in Russia, thanks to which he has participated into all processes of field activities and has gained a rich experience of business communication.


Skill proficiency levels
Ad Hoc Analysis
strong data and management and quantitative analysis capability
Jupyter Notebook
IBM Watson Studio
IBM Cloude
Apache Zeppelin
Team management
Business Development
MS Office
Start-up project
Product Management
Google Suite
Vertex AI
Python libraries: pandas, numpy, matplotlib, scikit‑learn, seaborn, tenserflow
MS Excel Expert
RapidMiner Studio
Google Data Studio
Power BI

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Professional Overview: An accomplished and intelligent economist with a significant amount of expertise in financial budgeting and management. Possess in-depth knowledge of complex economics concepts, mathematics and marketing and adept at applying theories and ideas in real-world situations. Strong understanding of business finance, economic planning, and data interpretation. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills- able to work effectively on a big team or alone. Capable of using economic principles to predict financial situations on both a long and short-term basis. Independent self-starter, highly motivated with a strong sense of initiative. Personal Qualities: ability to work in a team, creative approach to work, analytical mindset, the ability to process large amounts of information, the experience of making decisions in difficult situations, high work capacity, learning ability, accuracy, attentiveness, stress resistance, there are skills of business correspondence, without bad habits. Not married, no children Driving license: category B (12 years experience ).

Higher education (master)

Universiti Sains Malaysia
School of Computer Sciences, Master of Science (Data Science and Analytics)
International Business School "Synergy"
Business Administration, Master of Business Administration
Moscow State Technical University of Radio
Economics and management / finance and credit, Economist / specialist



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

GermanA2 — Elementary

MalaysianA1 — Basic

TamilA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

Google Cloud
Developer Center, Google Cloud Innovator
Google Cloud
Developer Center, Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals
Google Project Management Certificate
Google, Project Manager
IBM, Professional Certificate IBM Data Science
Business School "Synergy", Master of Business Administration
English course
English First, EF Уровень - Upper Advanced - CEFR Level С2
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013/2010. Level 2. Design of presentations
Center for Computer Training "Specialist" at MSTU. N.E. Bauman, Design of presentations
Specialist in electronic warfare
Military Department of MIREA, reserve officer

Tests, examinations

Final state examination
Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering of Electronics and Automation (MIREA), good
Evaluation of market risks on the Russian stock market
Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering Electronics and Automation (MIREA), excellent

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Up to 90 minutes