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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 43 years, born on 18 May 1981

Not looking for a job

Podolsk, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

Lead engineer

60 000  in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule

Work experience 19 years 4 months

August 2016currently
8 years 8 months
OOO "Patentes Talgo S.L."

Moscow, www.talgo.com

Heavy Engineering... Show more

Train electrician
- always look and behave properly, maintain personal hygiene; - collaborate with the staff of the train. - fill in the Quality Report, if required. - to produce the bypass in the entire train to check its condition. - if possible maneuvers is to participate and to perform other functions at the request of the Railways. - before leaving the train to enter in working state all the necessary elements to ensure quality provision of services to passengers. - after arrival at the final destination to disable items in the prescribed manner. - perform daily checks applicable to each period of operation. - when you need to perform other transactions of an irregular nature. - troubleshoot problems encountered during the shift. - to act according to the rules in the event of any occurrences during the shift. - provide Talgo prescribed information. - saponet outfits and the documentation on the executed tasks, and other useful information about the incident during a shift
July 2012July 2016
4 years 1 month
OOO "AVP-Technology"

Moscow, www.avp-t.ru

Electronics, Tool Engineering, Household Appliances, Computers and Office Equipment... Show more

Lead engineer of Department designers
- design and development of new systems of automatic driving for suburban passenger traffic on the railway; - management and maintenance of design documentation for existing systems; - conducting and monitoring the progress of works on introduction of systems on the railway transport; - coaching technical staff, depot maintenance and repair of the system USAVP: blocks and devices, principle of operation; schematic diagram of connections; testing the system; - conducting technical sessions with locomotive crews and instructors on: operation of the system USAVP mode automatic
February 2011July 2012
1 year 6 months
OOO "AVP-Technology"

Moscow, www.avp-t.ru

Electronics, Tool Engineering, Household Appliances, Computers and Office Equipment... Show more

Leading engineer of Department of introduction
- Organization of installation works (from scratch) and commissioning, and maintenance of electric and diesel locomotives (DGS), equipped with a system USAVP (unified system of automatic driving the train) at the customer premises; - installation and maintenance of special software (complete package); - conducting experimental trips with the aim of increasing the percentage of the reference electric mode automatic, detection defects in the graph, the speed of movement, and also to address the comments of drivers; - viewing trips (transcript cartridges RPDA) on an automated workplace to monitor the efficiency of the system USAVP and data on the consumption of electricity; - training of technical staff, depot maintenance and repair of the system USAVP: blocks and devices, principle of operation; schematic diagram of connections; testing the system; - conducting technical sessions with locomotive crews and instructors on: operation of the system USAVP in the mode of autopilot; operation of the system RPDA (Registrar of movement parameters in avtosvedenie); pretrip preparation system; the intervention of the driver in automatic driving mode; - preparation of documents: the act on the work performed; the act of an experienced travel; protocols for conducting technical studies; certificates of compliance.
July 2006February 2011
4 years 8 months
OOO "AVP-Technology"

Moscow, www.avp-t.ru

Electronics, Tool Engineering, Household Appliances, Computers and Office Equipment... Show more

- implementation and coordination of works on installation of systems of the autopilot; - conducting test trials in order to verify that blocks of the system; - conducting test trials in order to correct the database. - download software in the system units; - Troubleshooting system, determining the type of repair blocks; - maintenance of reporting documentation for the autopilot systems
December 2004June 2005
7 months
Вranch of OAO "RZD" Locomotive depot Pererva


Assistant to the machinist of an electric train
-manage train; - maintenance trains and equipment; - identifying and Troubleshooting equipment in the process.

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE: · Windows, MS Office, Internet – user; · Knowledge of angliskogo language translation; · Knowledge of programs "Autocad", "Garant", "Consultant", "1C-Enterprise"; · There is a tolerance for installations over 1000V

Higher education

Moscow state University of railway engineering, Moscow
Qualification: engineer of railway transport with the specialty "electrical transport of railway", Electric locomotives and electric trains
Moscow College of railway transport. Dzerzhinsky
Specialization: technical operation, maintenance and repair of railway rolling stock, Diploma with honors



EnglishA2 — Elementary

GermanA1 — Basic

SpanishA2 — Elementary

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Up to 90 minutes